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Outdoor fire Event icon
Event title

Canada - 25,000 ordered to evacuate as wildfires burn in Canada's Jasper National Park

Event category

Fire - Outdoor fire



Event date (UTC)

2024-07-24 12:33:14

Last update (UTC)

2024-08-04 10:12:21





Area range

Local event

Address/Affected area(s)

Jasper National Park of Canada, AB

At least 25,000 people have been forced to evacuate due to wildfires in Jasper National Park in Canada, officials said.The town of Jasper and Jasper National Park in Alberta have closed and are being evacuated due to active wildfires, the park said Tuesday.The evacuation impacts 15,000 people who were visiting and staying in the park when the order was issued, as well as about 10,000 people in the town of Jasper, including seasonal workers, according to the Alberta Emergency Management Agency.Parks Canada is mobilizing additional firefighting resources and aircraft to assist in battling the blazes, according to Jasper National Park.Our priority is to protect the town and community of Jasper, limiting wildfire growth towards town, Highway 16 and critical infrastructure," Jasper National Park said.Reservations through Aug. 6 in Jasper National Park have been canceled. A reopening date has not yet been announced.Alberta is experiencing "extreme wildfire conditions," with more than 170 wildfires burning across the province, according to the government of Alberta.

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